Consistency, why is it hard?

Consistency can be hard, and it does not help if one feels that everyone around is doing perfectly. Know this: nobody does. Most of us do know how to eat healthy, and how much exercise one needs. Also, information is easily available. Small changes can make a big difference, and you don’t need to throw money around to make them.

Consistency in health matters is important because it sets up a foundation for overall wellbeing. It helps create and maintain healthy habits. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, quality sleep, and stress management are the cornerstones of good health. Together these can prevent chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. These conditions often develop over time due to poor lifestyle choices.

What can make consistency hard?


Modern lifestyles are often busy and demanding. Balancing work, family, social life, and other responsibilities can leave little energy for consistent exercise or meal planning.

Lack of time

A lack of time can be a challenge to consistency and lead to bad habits. Be as organised as possible.

Unrealistic expectations

Setting too ambitious health goals can lead to frustration. For example, fast weight loss can be difficult to do. Must be patient.

Lack of support

Social factors play a significant role. Limited support from family, friends, or colleagues can make it challenging to maintain healthy habits. Especially if those around you have different lifestyle choices.

Emotional factors

Stress, anxiety, or depression, can stop healthy routines.

Temptations and cravings

Tempting food choices and easy availability of processed and fast foods can make it difficult to resist unhealthy options.

Lack of motivation

Motivation fluctuates over time. It’s normal to experience periods of high motivation followed by phases of lower. During low motivation periods, it’s challenging to maintain consistent habits.


Some may have obstacles such as cost, lack of access to fitness facilities, or limited knowledge about healthy cooking.

Lack of accountability

Without accountability, it’s easier to slip from healthy habits. Having someone to share progress, setbacks, and goals with can provide motivation and encouragement to stay consistent. Like-minded friends are gold!

Negative self-talk

Negative self-talk and self-doubt can cut down confidence and self-discipline. Believing that one is incapable of having healthy habits can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Overcoming these challenges often requires a combination of setting realistic goals, finding social support, managing stress, and developing coping mechanisms for dealing with temptations and setbacks. Building consistency in health matters is a process that involves patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to adapt to changing life.

Don’t know where to start? Check out our steps to a better life!

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